Please kindly contact your credit card provider/bank directly if you are not able to confirm the refund after the refunding process has done on our system.
*Please be assured that your money will be refunded even if it takes some time.
◉Refundable Deposit (Authorization hold) case
There are 3 steps for the refunding
1, The voiding of your authorization procedure should be done by the merchant.
The restaurant has done with the void process.
* Please contact the shop whether your authorization hold has been voided or not.
2, Your card issuer/bank receives the transaction.
3, You will see the refunding status on your account detail, then you could ask for the refunding timing to your card issuer/bank.
*There might be a possibility to take much time in this process especially when uses it in a foreign country.
Unfortunately, we have nothing for helping the card issuer receives those data faster. Please just wait until you can confirm the money back to your account.
◉Advance Purchase (Prepaid) case
There are 3 steps for the refunding.
1. The refunding your payment procedure should be done by the merchant.
The restaurant has done with the refunding process.
2. Your card issuer/bank receives the transaction.
You will see the refunding status on your account detail, then you could ask for the refunding timing to your card issuer/bank.