If you were not logged into your TableCheck account when making your reservation, you will not be able to view and manage your reservation from your TableCheck account.
(If you are able to see the Sign-up or Connect TableCheck Account button when viewing your reservation details, your reservation was not linked to your TableCheck account.)
To manually link your reservation to your TableCheck account, please refer to the following steps:
1.Access your reservation confirmation or information page.
- If you are already on the reservation confirmation page, click on the Sign-up or Connect TableCheck Account button and move to Step 4.
- Go to the reservation confirmation page by clicking on the link provided to you in your SMS reservation confirmation notification and move to Step 2.
- Go to the reservation confirmation page by clicking on the View button available in your Email reservation confirmation notification and move to Step 2.
2.Enter the phone number or e-mail address you used to create your reservation, and then click on the "View Full Reservation Details" option. |
3.At the next page where you are able to see your reservation details, click on the "Sign-up or Connect TableCheck Account" option. |
4.Select the "TableCheck" option to log into your TableCheck account to finish linking your reservation to your account. |