Several types of reservation statuses are as follows:
Depending on the status, you may not be able to change or cancel a reservation online. In such cases, please contact the property directly.
Tentative | You can change and cancel reservations online. |
Unconfirmed | |
Accepted | |
Confirmed | |
Attended | You can change reservations online, but you cannot cancel. |
Waiting | |
Paged | |
Cancelled | You cannot change or cancel reservations. |
No Show | |
Declined |
Please note the following.
- Reservations past the reservation time cannot be changed or cancelled.
- Reservations that required card information cannot be changed.
Related Help Article:Amending Your Pre-Authorized / Prepaid Reservation - See the article below about cancelling reservations that required card information.
Related Help Article:Cancelling a Pre-Authorized / Prepaid Reservation